The role of Île-de-France Mobilités
Île-de-France Mobilités is the Organizing Authority for Sustainable Mobility (AOMD) in Ile-de-France.
It designs, organizes and finances public transport for all Ile-de-France residents. It also guarantees the quality of passenger information (transport offer, timetables, fares and disruption information). IDF Mobilités currently has an Information System dedicated to collecting, storing and distributing public transport data. This IS is made up of some fifteen interfaced applications which ultimately offer:
- A set of services to passengers via the Web and Mobile sites
- Data and APIs for developers/re-users via the site
The business target of the IV (Passenger Information) must be part of a global trajectory towards MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service). This essential step consists of creating a Regional Mobility Information Platform (PRIM) that:
- Aggregates the entire IV offering in terms of services and data;
- Features several Front Offices dedicated to different audiences, primarily those of Ile-de-France Mobilités, but possibly also to other customer Front Offices.
Presentation of the platform
The Plateforme Régionale d'Information pour la Mobilité (PRIM) is a digital space that centralizes data and services around mobility under the aegis of IDFM (Île-de-France Mobilités).
The platform's objectives:
Differentiate raw data (network structure, timetables)
Provide dynamic services and APIs (Itinerary search, real-time)
Be a tool for promoting
mobility initiativesAnimate a community around Data & Dataas-a-Service!
What can you find there?
Produced by IDFM or third-party producers and focused on mobility in Île-de-France, you'll find:
- Datasets (maps, tables...)
- Dynamics or APIs
- Widgets
And services:
- Provision of SaaS tools
- Data standardization offers
The PRIM platform does not directly target the traveler, but the private and public entities that develop data and services around Mobility whose final recipient is the user. The data distributed on PRIM is intended for:
- Companies (start-ups, major groups, etc.)
- Public or semi-public bodies
- Individuals (students, etc.) and internal users of Ile-de-France Mobilités