
  • Etalab open license

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    For geographic data and reference data (stops, lines, operators, etc.).

    Link to the license

    Île-de-France Mobilités has chosen to make its reference data available, especially those describing the structure of the transport network (reference system for stops and lines, rail network routes, etc.) under an "Open License",

    This license was designed by the Etalab mission as part of the government's policy to open up public data ("Open data"), and aims to facilitate and encourage the reuse of public data made available free of charge.

    This license:
    • Is free of charge, and promotes the widest possible reuse by authorizing the reproduction, redistribution, adaptation and commercial exploitation of data.
    • Is compatible with international Open Data licensing standards, in particular those of the British government (Open Government Licence) and other international standards (ODC-BY, CC-BY 2.0).
    • Makes it mandatory to mention authorship.
  • The ODBL license

    logo odbl

    For data on supply, accessibility or validation.

    Link to the license

    Some mobility data, such as those co-constructed with transport operators, are made available under the "ODBL license". Île-de-France Mobilités has chosen the French version of the ODbL license, proposed by the veni vidi libri association which is a translation of the English version of the Open Knowledge Foundation and therefore compatible.

    You are free to:

    Share: copy, distribute and use the database.

    Create: produce creations from this database.

    Adapt: modify, transform and build on this database.

    Quality management, however, is a complex and ongoing process. For this reason, re-users who find anomalies are invited to report them to Île-de-France Mobilités, so that the community can benefit from the improvements made.

  • Creative Commons license

    logo creative commons

    For Île-de-France Mobilités plans and maps.

    Link to the license

    Île-de-France Mobilités has chosen to make its plans and maps of the Ile-de-France public transport network available under a "creative Commons" 3.0 license, respecting the moral rights of the author, the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 France creative commons license.

    You are free to copy, distribute and communicate the material by any means and in any format, under the following conditions:

    • Authorship must be acknowledged.
    • No commercial use: you are not authorized to make any commercial use of the Works, or any part thereof.
    • No modification: in the event that you remix, transform, or create from the material composing the original Work, you are not authorized to distribute or make available the modified Work.
  • The Mobility License

    logo licence mobilite

    General interest license for the reuse of mobility data.

    Link to the license

    In autumn 2020, Île-de-France Mobilités worked with GART (Groupement des Autorités Responsables des Transports), UTP (Union des Transports Publics et ferroviaires) and the Métropole Grand Lyon, to define a standard license for mobility data.

    This license has been developed to meet two major challenges: to facilitate the reuse of mobility data by removing certain constraints on the obligation to re-share data, and to guarantee that the uses made of this data are in the general interest. This mobility license applies only to data with a particular strategic aspect. As a result, for the moment, only theoretical or real time passage data for the Île-de-France Mobilités network is covered by this license. All other data on the platform remains, for the time being, under the Etalab or ODbL licenses.

    Based on the ODbL license, this mobility license incorporates the main principles of the ODbL license:

    • The possibility of requesting user identification to facilitate communication between Île-de-France Mobilités and data re-users.
    • The Terms of Use, which limit the identical sharing of derived databases.
    • A commitment to compatibility with the reference documents in terms of mobility strategy applicable to the territory : the Schéma Directeur de la Région Île-de-France (SDRIF) and the Plan de Déplacements Urbains d'Île-de-France (PDUIF) applicable until the adoption of the next Mobility Plan, which is currently under consultation. You can also contact Île-de-France Mobilités (at the following e-mail address: [email protected]).

    To find out more, visit the la Fabrique des Mobilités website, which publishes this free-access mobility license.