On February 14, 2023, a new page appeared on PRIM. This is the "Reference documents". page, which can be accessed from the "About"entry of the site or from the footer of the site.

As its name suggests, this page was created with the aim of making reference documents available to users of the platform.

Reference documents made available by this page

Within this page, documents are sorted alphabetically and downloadable.

To date, three reference documents are available. They are:

Reference documents available to date.

Le document de référence relatif au comité régional Open Data

Le document de référence relatif au comité open data makes available to users of the PRIM portal: the presentation support,as well as the reports of the workshops and plenary sessions of the comité open data d'Île-de-France Mobilités held from 6 to 9 July 2021.

This document consists of 5 downloadable PDF files.

Reference document relating to the open data committee.

Le-contrat-type-pour-la-distribution-de-titres Île-de-France Mobilités (Pack 0)

Since July 1, 2021, the Services Numériques Multimodaux (SNM)are authorized by the Loi Orientation Mobilités (LOM) to re-sell transport tickets from Île-de-France Mobilités.

Thanks to the document "Contrat-type pour la distribution de titres Île-de-France Mobilités (Pack 0)" made available by the PRIM platform, it is possible to consult and download the SNM standard contract from Île-de-France Mobilités. These standard documents make it possible to qualify the contractual relationship that exists between Île-de-France Mobilités and the multimodal digital service providers who resell its transport tickets.

This dataset subject to the OdBL license. For more information on this license please visit the "Licenses"page of the PRIM platform.

Standard contract for the distribution of Île-de-France Mobilités tickets (Pack 0).

The reference guide to serviced mobility

The mobility serviced better known as "MaaS" from the English "Mobility as a Service"describes the current ambition to organize end-to-end journeys through a single digital media. To achieve this, this single tool must bring together enriched services (ticketing, after-sales service, reservations, etc.), partnerships with transport operators and operators promoting new mobilities (carpooling, carsharing, parking services, etc.)

Île-de-France-Mobilité aims to incarnate the reference MaaS on the Ile-de-France territory. Accordingly, Île-de-France Mobilités teams have drawn up a guide to serviced mobility for the year 2020. This document proposesgood practices. It clarifies the major principles of interaction between mobility players in Île-de-France in order to provide Parisians with the best possible "MaaS"and to work in the general interest by supporting sustainable business models around serviced mobility.

This reference guide to serviced mobility is downloadable in PDF format in both French and English.

Guide de référence de la mobilité servicielle.

Thank you for reading this entire article! We invite you to consult these reference documents available on the dedicated page of the PRIM platform. For further information, please send an e-mail to : [email protected]

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