Île-de-France Mobilités has the ambition to favor the use of active mobilities

The Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités (LOM) lists among its main objectives the "development of the use of the least polluting mobilities [...] in order to strengthen [...] daily mobility solutions alternative to the private car and active mobility for the benefit of the environment, health, safety and competitiveness"

Thus, Île-de-France Mobilités works in thegeneral interest to the protection of the environment by favoring the use of active mobility.

This ambition on the part of Île-de-France Mobilités includes making available data relating to Île-de-France Mobilités' bicycle services (purchase assistance, Véligo Location service and the Parkings Vélos service), so that they can be reused. This also enables local authorities to monitor the use of bicycle services on their territory. Thus in early 2023, three new datasets linked to the bicycle services supported by Île-de-France Mobilité were put online for the first time on the PRIM portal.

Two of the three "bicycle" datasets published in early 2023 highlighted in the PRIM portal's "Data of the month".

The dataset "Bicycle purchase subsidy statistics in Île-de-France"

The first "bicycle" dataset published in early 2023 is entitled "Bicycle purchase subsidy statistics in Île-de-France" . As its name suggests, it lists, since February 2020, the applications for bicycle purchase subsidies sent to Île-de-France Mobilités, by commune and by type of bicycle.

Description of the dataset "Bicycle purchase subsidy statistics in Île-de-France".

Within this dataset are the following information:

  • The name of the commune of origin of bicycle purchase subsidy applications.
  • TheINSEE code of this commune.
  • The postcode of this commune.
  • The departement to which this commune belongs.
  • The name of the EPCI(Établissement public inter-communal) from which the grant application originates.
  • The total number of applications for purchase assistance.
  • The number of applications for purchase subsidies by bike typology: classic bike with electric assistance, cargo bike with/without electric assistance, folding bike with/without electric assistance and finally adapted bike.
Dataset "Bicycle purchase subsidy statistics in Île-de-France".

Note that this dataset is published under anopen license: the French version of the ODbL license, the explanations of which can be found by following this link.

Thanks to this open license, the data reuser is free to share, create and adapt the database.

The dataset "Fréquentation mesurée dans les parkings vélos"

The second "bicycle" dataset published in early 2023 is entitled "Fréquentation mesurée dans les parkings vélos". It presents the occupancy rate of Île-de-France Mobilité bicycle parking lockers. Bicycles parked in the lockers are counted once a quarter, on a working day (Monday to Friday) except during the month of August. Counting takes place over the hourly period from 9am to 5pm.

Description of the dataset "Frequentation measured in bicycle parking facilities".

Within this dataset the following information is listed:

  • The identifier of the bicycle parking facility.
  • The name of the bike park.
  • The identifier of the transfer zone to which the bike park belongs (data from the stop repository).
  • The name of the département to which the bike park belongs.
  • The identity of the project owner.
  • The year of measurement of frequentation.
  • The quarter of measurement of frequentation.
  • The time range of measurement of frequentation.
  • Total number of spaces in the bike parking
  • Number of bikes parked in the parking at the time of measurement.
Dataset "Fréquentation mesurée dans les parkings vélos".

This second dataset is also published under the French version of the ODbL license.

The dataset "Nombre de souscripteurs Véligo Location par commune"

The third "vélo" dataset published in early 2023 is entitled "Nombre de souscripteurs Véligo Location par commune". It presents the number of Véligo Location VAE classique and cargo subscribers by commune since the launch of the service.

Description of the dataset "Number of Véligo Location subscribers by commune".

Within this dataset are the following information:

  • The name of the commune of residence of the subscribers.
  • The code INSEE of the commune of the subscribers.
  • The postcodeof the subscribers.
  • The EPCI (Etablissement public de coopération intercommunale) of the subscribers.
  • The departementof the subscribers.
  • The number of subscriptions by typology of bike: VAE classic and Cargo.
Dataset "Number of Véligo Location subscribers by commune"

So, feel free to export the three datasets "Bicycle purchase subsidy statistics in the Île-de-France region", "Measured ridership in bicycle parking facilities" and "Number of Véligo Location subscribers by commune" then reuse it as much as you like. We'd be delighted if you'd let the "PRIM community" benefit from your data Reuses. Feel free to send them to us on the #reuses-data channel of our "Slack" of the "PRIM community".

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