Île-de-France Mobilités launched in the autumn of 2020, in conjunction with the GART (Groupement des Autorités Responsables des Transports), the UTP (Union des Transports Publics et ferroviaires) and the Métropole du Grand Lyon, a working group with nearly 80 contributors (public and private data reusers and producers from some 40 different organizations) with the aim of defining a standard license for sharing mobility data.

On December 1, 2022, Île-de-France Mobilités implemented this license. On the PRIM platform, it applies to certain data produced by Île-de-France Mobilités and covered by the Loi d'Organisation des Mobilités (LOM).

Objectives of the mobility license

The implementation of the mobility license meets two major challenges:

  • Easily facilitate the Reuses of mobility data by lifting certain constraints on the obligation to re-share data.
  • Guarantee that the uses made of these data are in the direction of the general interest.

Among the top priorities of the Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités (LOM) include the "development of the use of the least polluting mobilities and shared mobilities on a daily basis, in order to strengthen the momentum of public transport development, alternative daily mobility solutions to the private car and active mobility for the benefit of the environment, health, safety and competitiveness".

Thus, the general interest within the meaning of this license is understood as follows:

  • Guaranteeing safety for all travel.
  • Working to decrease road traffic and congestion on public roads.
  • Favoring the development of mass transitand active modes of travel.
  • Work to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Promoting active modes of travel (© Philippe MIRAN - Île-de-France Mobilités).

Implications of the mobility license for the data reuser

Based on the ODbL license, this mobility license adds major principles, namely:

  • The possibility of requesting user identification in order to facilitate communication between Île-de-France Mobilités and data reusers. The user will have to be logged into his account on the PRIM platform in order to use the APIs and datasets subject to this license.
  • The Special Condition of Use which limits the identical sharing of derived databases.
  • A commitment to compatibility with reference documents in terms of mobility strategy applicable to the territory: the Schéma directeur de la région Île-de-France (SDRIF) and the Plan de Déplacements Urbains d'Île-de-France (PDUIF) in force until the adoption of the next Mobility Plan, currently still under consultation. In the event of non-compliance of data Reuses with the principles published in these reference documents, the burden of proof would fall on the organizing authority.

When this new license comes into force, from December 1, users of the PRIM platform will have to have an account on this portal and be logged in in order to be able to consult the datasets available under this license.

No change is expected for access to other data static which will remain accessible without an account, nor for the APIs which already require you to be logged in to use them.

PRIM platform login page.

The datasets and APIs concerned by the mobility license

For the moment,only theoretical or real-time passage data from the Île-de-France Mobilités network are concerned by the mobility license. Thus, on the PRIM platform, this license concerns all APIs as well as the following datasets:

No changes are to be expected for the other datasets present on the platform.

A mobility license implemented to forge a link with our data reusers

The implementation of the mobility license will enable us to forge a link with the platform's data reusers. Indeed, better identifying them will enable us to reach out to them when needed and listen to their recommendations regarding PRIM, its functionalities and contents.

Thus, we invite our Reuses not to restrict themselves. On the contrary, we can only encourage them to continue to make use of the data made available to them on PRIM!

For more information, please feel free to consult the Mobility License in its entirety, published on the Fabrique des Mobilités, by following this link.

For any questions or comments, the PRIM team at Île-de-France Mobilités is available at the email address: [email protected] or on the instant discussion forum "Slack"of the "PRIM community".

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