Lately, a new version of the "Itinerary search" white label from Île-de-France Mobilités a has been made available on the PRIM platform. The term "white label" means that the Itinerary search service offered by Île-de-France Mobilités can be integrated into your website in a few clicks as a widget (an application that integrates with an operating system, web page or blog). Note that you can customize this widget by overriding all White label CSS styles. However, the phrase "an Île-de-France Mobilités service" must remain displayed.

Find now the "Itinerary search" white label of Île-de-France Mobilités, within the data catalog of the PRIM platform and integrate the widget into your website!

La white label "Itinerary search" of Île-de-France Mobilitéswithin the data catalog of the PRIM platform.

A new version of Île-de-France Mobilités' "Itinerary search" white label

This new version of the "Itinerary search" white label is more comprehensive and integrates new modes of transport. As a result, you can make it easier for your users to get around by offering them a multimodal itinerary search service incorporating both public transport (RER, transilien, metro, bus, tramway, etc.) and bicyclingor carpooling.

In addition, certain itinerary search functionalities have been added. At present, the white label "Itinerary search" from Île-de-France Mobilités made available on the platform therefore includes all the functionalities available in the Itinerary search distributed on the "Me déplacer"(managed by Île-de-France Mobilités).

Itinerary search on the website "Move around".

Integrate and use the Île-de-France Mobilités "Itinerary search" white label widget

In order to be able to integrate and use the "Itinerary search" white label from Île-de-France Mobilités, you must imperatively be logged into your user accounton the PRIM platform.

To understand the process of integrating Île-de-France Mobilités' "Itinerary search" white label into your website, we invite you to consult the "Integration" tab on the page dedicated to this white label.

We remain available to receive your comments and answer your questions at [email protected] but also on the "Slack" of the "PRIM community". Don't hesitate to join in with your questions, feedback, suggestions for improvement and share with us the link to the web page on which you've embedded our widget. We'd love to discover the sites that use our White label.

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