From September 26 to 30, 2023, Île-de-France Mobilités is jointly organizing with the Conseil Régional d'Île-de-France and the Institut Paris Région, theFrancilian Data Week.
Discover the major orientations of the PRIM platform by taking part in the Comité Régional Open-Data d'Île-de-France Mobilités
As part of this, a new edition of the Comité Régional Open Data d'Île-de-France Mobilités will be held in visioconference on Thursday, September 28 from 9:30 am.
The agenda for the event will be as follows:
- The great orientations of the Open Data approach of Île-de-France Mobilités;
- The impacts of therevision of the European directive for the deployment of ITS (intelligent transport systems) ;
- The history of passenger information data;
- The testimony of a datajournalist on the use of open data in his work;
- The evolution of the PRIM platform and open data catalog.
The committee will take place in two parts: the committee itself from 9:30 to 11:30 then we'll take your questions from 11:30 to 12:30.
If you would like to take part in this committee, simply register beforehandhere. The link to the videoconference will be emailed to you after your registration.

Work for the common good by taking part in the "Tous acteurs de la mobilité en Île-de-France"
Île-de-France Mobilités is organizing a hackathon entitled "Tous acteurs de la mobilité en Île-de-France" on Friday September 29 and Saturday September 30, 2023. It will take place at the Liberté Living Lab, located at 9 rue d'Alexandriein the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.
One of the aims of this event is to enable citizensto understand the impact of their personal behavior on the Francilien transport network. Another aim of this workshop is to interrogate user experiences in the service of transport improvement.
Participating in this hackathon will enable you to expand your professional network by discovering or rediscovering work colleagues within multi-skilled teams set up for the occasion. You'll become a member of a new communitywithin Île-de-France Mobilités structured around data issues. Finally, you will be at the heart of a general interest project using available data to create new uses to serve the mobility of as many people as possible.
To take part in this hackathon register here now (places are limited). Once registered feel free to join the hackathon forum. Here you'll find therules of the hackathon, its program and the challenges on offer. In addition, user support will be provided on this forum before and during the hackathon to answer participants' questions. Finally, we invite you to take a look at this dataset listing the datasets we recommend you use for the hackathon.

We'll be happy to meet and talk with you during the Semaine francilienne de la donnée from September 26 to 30. We look forward to seeing you there! And until then, of course, don't hesitate to ask us your questions on the Slack of the PRIM community or at the email address: [email protected].