Data recommendations

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Detailed description

The API Trafic messages - Global query provides all information concerning traffic disruptions (incidents, planned and unplanned works), as well as associated Lines and Stops.
This service returns results in the form of JSON objects.

Access to the API

You must be connected to your user account to access the API.

The quota limitations for the present API are as follows:

User group

Number of requests per second

Number of requests per day

Old user (API tokens generated before March 13, 2024)



New user (API token generated between March 13 and September 2024)



Manage my quotas

To track your API consumption and increase your quotas, go to My API consumption.

General documentation

A general documentation provides a better understanding of the API and the precautions for its use.

General conditions of use of the API and data license

Use of the Île-de-France Mobilités API is subject to General Conditions of Use Data from the Île-de-France Mobilités API are subject to the Mobility License.

Data recommendations