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Data model

Geographic layer describing linear cycling facilities in Île-de-France: cycle paths, cycle lanes, meeting zones.

Given its volume, the data in SHAPE format is offered as an attachment (see bottom of page) and not in the export tab. The same provisions specific to the licence ODbL Version Française apply.


This data is crowdsourced by contributors to the OpenStreetMap project and is licensed under the ODbL license and the attribution statement must be "© OpenStreetMap contributors under ODbL license" in accordance with.
As part of the Île-de-France Mobilités survey of cycling facilities, this data has been completed and verified. They have also been converted into a format and data model that can be used directly in a GIS. Work in partnership with Géovélo and Carto'Cité.
For more information: site Île-de-France Mobilités | site wikiprojet OSM | site portail


The modeling of bicycle facilities is discussed among OpenStreetMap users. The model can be viewed at this page.
The attributes selected are as follows:

bi band two-way cycle lane (two-way cycle lanes marked with a strip are not taken into account)
single lane One-way cycle lane (two-way cycle lanes marked with a strip are not taken into account)
two-way track Two-way cycle paths
uni-track Unidirectional cycle paths
two-way bus lane Two-way bus lane open to cyclists
one-way bus lane One-way bus lane open to cyclists
DSC Two-way cycling (cyclists can ride in both directions on a one-way street) not materialised by either a cycle lane or a cycle track
DSC strip Two-way cycling (cyclists can ride in both directions on a one-way street) materialized by a cycle lane
DSC track Two-way cycling (cyclists can ride in both directions on a one-way street) materialized by a cycle track.
uni greenway Unidirectional greenway for cyclists
one-way sidewalk path Cycle track materialized on sidewalk. Unidirectional for cyclists.
unidirectional sidewalk path one-way cycle sidewalk for cyclists
single lane service road Track or lane where motor vehicles are prohibited. Unidirectional for cyclists.
unidirectional dedicated path Pedestrian and bicycle path where cycling is explicitly permitted. Unidirectional for cyclists.
other uni velo path Pedestrian path where bicycles are allowed, bicycles can circulate in one direction only.

Two typologies are also proposed for easier representation at medium scale (EPCI) and small scale (IDF):
Small scale (IDF)Medium scale (EPCI)
Exclusive right-of-way
(having its own axis separated from the vehicle axis)
1 11 Bicycle path / Two-way greenway
12 Bicycle path / One-way greenway
Lane shared with motorized vehicle
(understood outside of calmed traffic zone, see code 3)
2 21 Two-way cycle lane
22 One-way cycle lane
23 Two-way shared bus lane
24 One-way shared bus lane
Lane in traffic-calmed zone 3 31 Zone 30 lane (z30)
32 30 street lane ("limite 30")
33 Road in a "z20" meeting zone
34 Other two-way traffic
Lane shared with pedestrians
(means shared with pedestrians only, see code 3)
4 41 Lane shared with pedestrians
(no subcategory)

More information on how to use the data: PDF document

History of modifications


  • January 2025: Data update


  • September 2024: Data update
  • June 2024: Data update
    • February 2024: Data update


    • April 2023: Data update
    • January 2023: Data update


    • October 2022: Data update
    • August 2022: Data update
    • January 2022: Data update


    • October 2021: Data update
    • August 2021: Data update
    • March 2021: Data update, with addition of typologies for representation of small- and medium-scale developments


    • December 2020: Data update
    • September 2020: Data update
    • May 2020: Data update
    • January 2020: Data update


    • October 2019: Data update
    • June 2019: Data update + addition of "INSEE" (commune INSEE code), "NOM_COM" (commune name) and "NOM_VOIE" (lane name) fields.
    • January 2019: Data initialization.

    Data recommendations