Data recommendations
Data model
This dataset makes it possible to compare the location of Bus Stops provided by operators to Île-de-France Mobilités (corresponds to stops currently disseminated in GTFS) and Bus Stops present in OpenStreetMap.
The aim of this comparison is to improve the quality of data provided by operators by using the potential of OpenStreetMap's crowdsourced data.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) data
The OpenStreetMap community maps the whole world street by street, helping to create the world's largest open-licensed geographic database. This comparison is possible thanks to the work of this community, which, since April 2018, has been enriching OSM data with identifiers from the Referential Stops Île-de-France Mobilités.
The Jungle Bus audit
This production follows on from the studies and analyses carried out by Jungle Bus, which aimed to assess the extent to which these two datasets could mutually enrich each other. In one year's work, the volume of the comparable sample has been multiplied by more than 4. More information: note: currently, around 70% of the Stops in the Île-de-France Mobilités referential find an equivalent in OpenStreetMap (only these Stops are presented in this in this dataset)