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Data model

Geographic layer describing Parcs Relais in Île-de-France.


A Parc Relais is a parking facility set up in the immediate vicinity of a railway or metro station, whose purpose is to facilitate passenger access to the rail network. In the Île-de-France region, this type of facility is mainly found at stations farthest from Paris and located in sparsely populated urban environments, where bus networks are unable to meet all passenger feeder needs to the stations.
For more information on Parcs Relais:


Input from aerial photo and Ile-de-France Mobilités databases.


A Parc Relais is modeled by a point, located at the car entrance to the parking lot. A station may be concerned by one or more Park & Ride facilities.

The dataset exclusively proposes label-labeled Park & Ride facilities. All parking lots near stations are proposed in the parking lot managers' opendata and on openstreetmap.

The identifier field is modified (PR_IDE becomes PR_ID) and fields are added to link with Île-de-France Mobilités reference stops: Zones de lieux (ZDL) and Lieux d'arrêt (LDA).

The field "Gratuit SDPR" (Park & Ride Master Plan) means the possibility of having a free pass for annual pass holders (the number of passes available is limited, it depends on the number of Park & Ride spaces).

History of changes

November 2022: objects updated.
August 2022: objects updated.
November 2021: object update. Location of the point at the entrance to the parking lot.
December 2018: update of Park & Ride lots.
April 2018: data initialization.

Data recommendations