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Data model

Geographic layer listing the Stops and multimodal interchange hubs on the routes of public transport projects in Île-de-France.

A Stops is a place where people get on or off a planned transport line.

A multimodal interchange is an interface between rail and other modes of transport.

For more information on planned Lines:


A point describes the project's Stops or the building's central location in the case of a multimodal interchange.

Data quality is a function of the infrastructure project's state of progress. Accuracy therefore varies from one project to another, and mapping alone cannot give an accurate account of the precise situation. Only the reference documents are legally binding and enforceable.

Only operations validated by the Ile-de-France Mobilités Board can be published on the Open Data platform. This publication does not concern data produced as part of preparatory documents for an administrative decision.

Grand Paris Express

The GIS data relating to the Lines of the Grand Paris Express is produced by the Société du Grand Paris, which is therefore the sole holder of the rights to disseminate this data. At present, Ile-de-France Mobilités cannot publish SGP data on this Open Data platform.

History of updates


  • Update (24/01/2020): Updated project status and official commissioning dates

    The metadata can be viewed in the "Data model" section, to be unfolded, below.

Data recommendations