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Geographic layer identifying the linear cycling facilities the Olympic Cycle Network (OCN). The OCN links the bicycle parking areas set up for each Olympic and Paralympic Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (excluding the Arena Paris Nord). Arena Paris Nord).


These data were crowdsourced by contributors to the contributors to the OpenStreetMap project and are licensed under ODbL. attribution must be "© OpenStreetMap contributors under ODbL licence ODbL" in accordance with

As part of Île-de-France Mobilités' survey of cycling facilities by Île-de-France Mobilités, these data have been completed and verified. They converted into a format and data model that can be used directly in a GIS. directly usable in a GIS. Work in partnership with Géovélo.

More information: site d'Île-de-France Mobilités | site wikiprojet OSM | site portail

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