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Data model
Geographic layer describing the routes of regular commercial bus Lines in Île-de-France, authorized to circulate by Île-de-France Mobilités.
The "commercial line" describes the line as perceived on the ground by the passenger. In Ile-de-France Mobilités internal management, it is attached to an "administrative line" which encompasses one or more commercial lines. Attributes are used to make the link.Lines are updated progressively. A discrepancy between the data and the field may be observed.
The object value date is used to determine the validity of the proposed Lines route. OpenStreetMap's road referential is used to create Lines (© OpenStreetMap contributors).
History of modifications
- September 2024: update of Lines layout and attributes (based on the GTFS of 16/05/2024)
- April 2024: updating of Lines layout and
attributes (based on the GTFS of 21/02/2024)
- February 2024: Lines and attributes layout update.
- June 2022: Lines and attributes layout update.
- February 2022: Lines layout and field names updated.
- March 2020: data initialization, replacing the previous administrative lines data.