The "Référentiel des points de vente" dataset lists all points of sale and after-sales services for transport tickets in Île-de-France
The PRIM platform offers a dataset entitled "Référentiels des points de vente". It lists allpoints of sale and after-sales services for transport tickets in Île-de-France.
This dataset can be downloaded in CSV, Excel and JSON format and includes the following information for each point of sale:
- His name
- His identifier
- The type of outlet
- The type of services offered
- His postal address(street name and number, address complement, name and zip code of the commune where it is located, zip code extension of the outlet, INSEE code of the sales outlet)
- His geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude)
- The stop zone identifier of the sales outlet (if it is located in a station or station)
- His opening hours
- The availability of the Navigo Easy card at the station vending machine
A datavisualisation-qui-cartographie-les-points-de vente-et-de-service-apr%C3%A8s-vente-des-titres-de-transport-en-%C3%AEle-de-france">A datavisualisation-qui-cartographie-les-points-de vente et de service après-vente des titres de transport en Île-de-France
You will find below and within the "Map" tab of the detailed page of the dataset "Point-of-sale repositories, a datavisualization of points of sale and after-sales services for transport tickets in Île de France:
This dynamic datavisualization in"Iframe" format,can be parameterized to display only points of sale, or only Navigo counters offering both sales and after-sales service.
Feel free to click on the various points indicated on the datavisualization. This will open info-bubbles that provide additional information. For example, clicking on a point of sale will tell you its name, address, opening times and the type of transport passes it sells (Passe Navigo Jour, Semaine, Mois, Tickets T+, Forfait Anti-pollution, Navigo Jeunes Week-end, etc.).
For a guichet Navigo also offering after-sales service, you will find all this information as well as details of the services offered by the guichet (Renewal of Navigo Pass at end of life, Pass loss and theft management, Pass exchange following demagnetization, Regularization of unpaid bills, etc.).
A dataset subject to the Open License (Etalab)
As this dataset "Point-of-sale repositories" is subject to the Etalab Open License, you can reuse it as you wish. Indeed, this license authorizesthe reproduction,redistribution, adaptation and commercial exploitationof the data. All you need to do is mention the parenthood of the data. For more information, feel free to visit the "Licenses" pageon the PRIM platform.
Thus, we invite you to export the "Point of sale repository" and create your own reuses of this dataset. We'd be delighted if you could share your creations with the "PRIM community". Please feel free to send them to us via the channel #reuses-of-data of our "Slack" of the "PRIM community".