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Detailed description

The "Itinerary search" white label from Île-de-France Mobilités allows you to easily integrate this widget on your website.

Thanks to this integration, you'll be able to enable your users to make their journeys easier by offering them public transport, bike and Carsharing itineraries.

Using the widget

You must be logged in to your user account to integrate and use this widget.

As indicated in the documentation, an authentication token must be added in the "body" section: it allows us to verify that users wishing to integrate this widget do indeed have an account on PRIM.

Without this authentication token, the integrated widget will not be functional.

To be able to generate an authentication token, simply log in / register and go to the "my API token"


Conditions Générales d'Utilisation des marques-blanches "Île-de-France Mobilités"

All White label CSS styles are overrideable. However, the phrase "Un service Île-de-France Mobilités" must remain displayed.

Data recommendations