Île-de-France Mobilités collects from 72 different transport operators, the planned public transport offer on the Region. This offer covers around 2000 lines and serves around 40,000 stops.

To facilitate exchanges and interoperability, Île-de-France Mobilités has implemented areference systemfor stopsand a reference system for Francilian lines.

The unique, permanent and shared identification of these transport objects ensures better tracking over time, even when operators change. The use of a single back-office tool designed by IDFM, used by all its partners with dedicated governance, has made it possible to harmonize concepts, particularly with regard to denominations, and to ensure the uniqueness of each object. These repositories are based on theconcepts and exchange formats defined in European transport standards (IFOPT, NeTEX).

One stop repository, several hierarchical objects

The Île-de-France Mobilités stop repository is made up of five hierarchical concepts:

  • L'arrêt: this corresponds to the place, such as a platform, area or platform/track, where the passenger waits, gets on or off the vehicle. It is often materialized on the ground by a zebra on the road, that a pole, a abribus, a metro platform, etc. It exists in two forms in the Référentiel Ile de France Mobilités:
  1. The arrêt transporteur (ArT): corresponds to the particular vision of each of the suppliers (operators). A single location can therefore be represented by several carrier stops if it is served by several operators. These objects are the basis for the constitution of the other Reference levels.
  2. The reference stopor simply "stop" (ArR): this is a "community", unique objectthat really corresponds to thefield vision.
  • Thestop zone (ZdA): this is a monomodal zone (served by a single mode of transport e.g. metro) based on a commercial and geographical consistency and known to the publicunder the same trade name.
  • The zone de correspondance (ZdC): this is an area that may be multimodal(served by several modes of transport e.g. metro and RER) where connections between stops are easily made by pedestrians since walking time is reasonable.
  • The exchange hub (PdE): this is a transport area with national or even international visibility such as a major railway station, airport, etc.
Schematic diagram of the five hierarchical concepts that make up the Île-de-France Mobilités stop repository.

In addition to these five concepts, the Île-de-France Mobilités stop repository also includes an object type named "access". These are the passing points that a passenger must use to access the stops of one or more stop zones. This corresponds to the entrance andexit of this or these stop zones.

Here's an example of the representation of the hierarchical relationship that exists between the various objects in the Île-de-France Mobilités stop repository:

Representation of the hierarchical relationship between the various objects in the stop repository.

One stop repository, several datasets

On the PRIM platform, you'll find Île-de-France Mobilités' stop repository. It feeds several datasets. In fact, each object of the stop repository has a dataset dedicated to it. So, feel free to consult the datasets below, to find out the identifier ("Id") of an object in the repository, its name ("Name"), its creation date ("Created"), its modification date ("Changed"), ... :

The acronyms "ArTId", "ZdAName" that you will find within its datasets are composed as follows: the acronym of the object (e.g. "ArT" for "carrier stop") followed by the acronym of the data type for example ("Id" for identifier). So, understand that "ArTId" stands for transporter stop identifier.

In addition, two other datasets relate objects from the stop repository:

A final dataset "Référentiel des arrêts : fichiers SIG" offers in format SIG the ensemble des objets du référentiel des arrêts d'Île-de-France (notamment contour des objets "zones").

Finally, all this data is also distributed in the dataset Reference frame and theoretical offer in NETEX format, which corresponds to the raw output format of the "Île-de-France Mobilités stop reference frame" in line with European standards.

All these datasets are updated dailyand have a common datavisualization that maps all the objects in the stop repository in Île-de-France. You'll find this visualization within the "Map"tab of all the datasets mentioned above.

As this visualization is broadcast in the"Iframe" format, its display is configurable. So you can decide which objects you want to appear on the visualization. And don't hesitate to click on the components of the datavisualization to display the hidden info-bubbles and get additional information. You'll find the datavisualization below:

A repository of lines to complement the repository of stops

Additionally to the repository of stops, Île-de-France Mobilités has set up a repository of lines. Aline designates a transport service offered to the public according to one or more predefined routes. Every line is identified in the field by a name or commercial code known to passengers (e.g. metro line 1 or bus line 72).

On the PRIM portal, the line dataset is materialized by the dataset "Référentiel des lignes de transport en commun d'île-de-France - lignes actives et prochainement actives", updated daily. Within this dataset you will find in particular the identifier of the line ("ID_Line"), its commercial name ("Name_Line"), its commercial name short ("ShortName_Line"), thetransport mode of the line ("TransportMode"), a link to the pictogram representing it, the status of the line (active or soon to be active), etc.

To complete this dataset, the PRIM platform also provides the "list of public transport line carriers in Île-de-France" and the "links to timetables and maps of public transport lines in Île-de-France".

All the data in the Référentiel Lignes is also distributed in the dataset Referential and Theoretical offer in NETEX format corresponding to the raw output format of the "Île-de-France Mobilités lines referential" in line with European standards.

If you would like more information about Île-de-France Mobilités' stop and line repository and the datasets relating to it, please feel free to consult this documentation. We remain of course available on the PRIM community Slack or at the email address: [email protected] for any questions or requests for further information.

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