"Parking Vélos en Île de France "dataset
On the PRIM platform, a "Parking Vélos Île-de-France" dataset is available. This is ageographical layer describing bicycle parking facilities in Île-de-France (formerly known as "Véligo stations").
These parking lots offer a bike parking service in the Île-de-France region. These parking spaces dedicated to bicycles can take two forms:
- Self-service shelters;
- Secure collective lockers.
This dataset can be downloaded in CSV, Excel or JSON format. It thus displays a table showing:
- The iidentifier of the bike parking facility;
- The name of the bike parking facility;
- The name of the municipality in which the parking facility is located;
- The INSEE code of this municipality;
- The geographic coordinatesof the bike park communicated during the creation work;
- The date of creation of the bike park ;
- The organization owning the bike park;
- The typeof bike park (shelter or locker);
- The number of spaces available ;
- The price of parking for a cyclist with a Navigo Pass;
- The price of parking for a ccyclist without a Navigo Pass.
For more information about bicycle parking facilities in Île-de-France, feel free to consult the page dedicated to bicycle parking facilities on the Île-de-France Mobilités website.
A datavisualisation of bicycle parking facilities in Île-de-France
On the PRIM platform, a datavisualisation map of the dataset "Parking Vélos Île-de-France" is available. You'll find it in the "Map" tab of this dataset. We've also included it below:
This mapping is in iframe. format, so you can parameterize its display. In fact, you can display only free-access shelters, only lockers, or both simultaneously. Similarly, a plot of public transport Lines on the "Bicycle parking" map is available. You can decide whether or not to display it.
Don't hesitate to click on the various elements of the datavisualization (bike parking, line layout, etc.)as this will open tooltips providing you with additional information. In fact, clicking on a bike shelter will take you to its name, its identifier, the number of spaces it has and the words "free". If you click on a bike locker you'll know itsname, its identifier, the number of spaces it offers and their price with or without Pass Navigo. Finally, by clicking on a line route of public transport, a tooltip will tell you the type of transport using this route and the name of the line.
Thank you for reading this article in its entirety. We now invite you to export this dataset"Parking Vélos Île-de-France" and to reuse it as much as you like. In fact, this dataset subject to the Open OdBL license is open to all without connection prerequisites. For more information, please visit the "Licenses" page of the PRIM platform.
We would be delighted if you could let the "PRIM community" benefit from your data Reuses. Please feel free to send them to us via the #data-reuses channel of our "Slack" of the "PRIM community".