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79 datasets, 9 API, 1 widget : (89)
Air conditioning on public transport lines
This dataset lists transport lines with on-board temperature control systems (air conditioning or refrigerated ventilation).
Air quality in the Ile-de-France transport network
This dataset describes air pollution levels at underground stations in the Ile-de-France networkAirparif data
Alignments of the Ile-de-France rail network
Linear description of the Ile-de-France rail network, highlighting public transport lines subsidized by Ile-de-France Mobilités.
Annual incoming traffic by station (year 2014) on the RATP rail network
This dataset details direct inbound traffic on the RATP rail network in 2014.
Annual incoming traffic by station (year 2015) on the RATP rail network
This dataset details direct incoming traffic on the RATP rail network in 2015.
Arrest repository: Relationships
This dataset contains all the relationships between objects in the Île-de-France stop repository
Bicycle facilities in Île-de-France
Geographic layer describing linear cycling facilities in the Paris region: cycle paths, cycle lanes, "zones de rencontre".
Bicycle parking in Île-de-France
Geographic layer describing bicycle parking facilities in Île-de-France: racks, Véligo stations, etc.
Bicycle route calculator - Geovelo
Bicycle route calculator API returns a safe, adapted route
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Bicycle subsidy statistics for Île-de-France
New feature (online August 21, 2024): The two new aids introduced on September 1, 2023 (electrification kit and mechanical bike for 15-25 year olds) are included in the dataset from Q4 2023.
Bus developments in Île-de-France
Geographic layer describing bus facilities (exclusive right-of-way lanes) in Île-de-France .
Bus Eco-stations in Île-de-France
Geographic layer describing Île-de-France bus stations.
Carrier stops (stop repository) & OpenStreetMap stops discrepancies
This dataset makes it possible to compare the location of bus stops supplied by operators to Île-de-France Mobilités (corresponding to stops currently published in the GTFS) and bus stops present in OpenStreetMap.
Case repository : Cases
This dataset contains the reference stops of the Île-de-France stop repository. These stops correspond to the places, such as platforms, zones or platforms/tracks, where passengers wait, board or alight.
CO2e emissions per passenger-kilometre on the network
The table shows the CO2-equivalent emission factors for the various lines and modes of transport in the Paris region. These emission factors are expressed in passenger-kilometer (CO2 equivalent emitted by one passenger traveling 1 km). They are supplied by transport operators for public transport, and by Ademe's Base Carbone for other modes.the column CO2e/voy/km by transport mode aggregates the CO2e emission factors at the "transport mode" level. It is these values by mode that are used for the CO2 calculation of the Île de France Mobilités route calculator.
Condition of elevators
This dataset lists all the elevators available in Île-de-France stations. Each elevator is present in one of the correspondence zones of the Île-de-France stop repository.
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Construction maps
Île-de-France Mobilités provides you with schematic plans of the works by month.
Description and fares of transport in Ile-de-France
Description of tickets valid in Ile-de-France.
Frequently asked questions Plan a journey
This dataset displays questions and answers from the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section of the Ile-de-France mobilités website.
History of validation data on the rail network (2015-2022)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
History of validation data on the surface network (2015-2022)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
Île-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking
Geographic layer describing Île-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking facilities (formerly known as "Véligo stations").
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Ile-de-France Mobilités Calculator - Generic access (v2)
The Ile-de-France Mobilités Calculator API - Generic access (Navitia) brings together a range of services enabling passengers to consult information on Ile-de-France transport networks.
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Ile-de-France Mobilités Calculator - Isochrones (v2)
Calculate the accessibility of a geographical area by public transit for a given period of time.
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Ile-de-France Mobilités Calculator - Trafic messages (v2)
The API Calculator Ile-de-France Mobilités - Trafic messages (Navitia) includes real-time traffic information messages, by line or mode of transport.
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Ile-de-France Mobilités subsidies
List of subsidies signed/notified by Ile-de-France Mobilités.
Ile-de-France public transport reference system - active and soon-to-be-active lines
List of active and soon-to-be-active commercial public transport lines (train, RER, metro, tramway, bus and coach) in the Paris region.
Ile-de-France rail network routes (schematic)
Schematic linear description of the Ile-de-France rail network, highlighting public transport lines subsidized by Ile-de-France Mobilités.
Île-de-France rail network stations (by line)
Geographic layer describing, by line, train and RER stations, metro, tramway, val and funicular stations open to passengers in the Paris region.
Île-de-France rail network stations (generalized data)
Geographic layer describing TRAIN and RER stations, METRO, TRAM, VAL and FUNICULAR stations open to passengers in the Paris region.
Île-de-France rail network stations (large format)
Schematic layer describing, by line, train and RER stations, metro, tramway, val and funicular stations open to passengers in the Paris region.
Île-de-France rail network stations (small format)
Schematic layer describing, by line, Train, RER and Val stations (but not metro, streetcar or funicular stations) open to passengers in the Paris region. The schematic representation of objects is suitable for "small format" use on a small scale.
Links to Île-de-France public transport timetables and maps
List of links to timetables and maps of commercial public transport lines (train, RER, metro, tramway, bus and coach) operating in the Paris region.
List of public transport operators in Île-de-France
List of carriers operating commercial public transport lines (SNCF, RATP and OPTILE companies) in the Paris region.
List of Véligo Location contact points
The present dataset has undergone changes in data structure, the new publication is intended to align with the latest developments in the Véligo Location service.
Measured use of bicycle parking facilities
This dataset shows the occupancy rate of Île-de-France Mobilités bike lockers by counting the number of bikes each quarter. Bicycles parked in the locker are counted every working day (between Monday and Friday, excluding August) between 9am and 5pm during a station visit.
Messages displayed on the screens (Île-de-France Mobilités platform)
Information messages displayed in real time on transport screens
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News messages Plan a journey
This dataset lists the banner/news messages displayed on and on Ile-de-France Mobilités applications.
Number of Véligo Location subscribers by municipality
This dataset shows the number of Véligo Location subscribers: VAE Classique and Cargo by municipality.
Olympic Cycle Network (OCN)
Geographic layer identifying the linear the Olympic Cycle Network (OCN). The OCN links the bicycle parking areas set up for each competition venue Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (excluding the Arena Paris Nord). Arena Paris Nord).
Parcs Relais in Île-de-France
Geographic layer describing Parcs Relais d'Île-de-France.
Paris 2024 - Bicycle parking for spectators in IDF
This dataset lists the temporary bicycle parking facilities for spectators managed by Paris 2024 in the Paris Region in the vicinity of competition venues (name, site, address).
Paris 2024 - PSA spectators
This dataset lists the PSAs (Pedestrian Screening Areas) and associated spectator entries for each competition venue and the Parc des Champions.OG2024 = Olympic GamesPG2024 = Paralympic Games
Park-and-Ride Paris 2024
A Parking Relais is modeled by a point, located at the car entrance to the car park. parking lot. A station may have one or more Park & Ride facilities. All stations is available in the Opendata of car park managers and on openstreetmap. and on openstreetmap.
Places offering Navigo cultural benefits
This dataset lists all the cultural venues where holders of a valid Navigo pass (monthly, annual, senior, imagine R and Liberté +) can benefit from a cultural advantage (fare reduction or exclusive service).
Planned stations and multimodal interchanges in the Paris region
Geographic layer listing stops and multimodal interchanges along the routes of public transport projects in the Paris region.
Planned transport lines in the Paris region
Geographic layer describing the routes of public transport projects in the Paris region. A transport line project is the improvement or extension of an existing line, or the creation of a new transport line.
POI venues Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
This dataset describes points of interest related to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Point of sale repository
This dataset lists ticket sales outlets and after-sales services in the Ile-de-France region.
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Positioning in the train
This dataset contains position data in metro trains, so you know where to position yourself to to reach your exit or connection more easily.
Programmed accessibility master plan: Associated stops
This dataset is the result of cross-referencing the list of SDAP lines with supply data from the "Schedules planned for Ile-de-France public transport lines (GTFS Datahub)" dataset. It lists the stops served by SDAP bus routes. These stops must be described in terms of road accessibility within a 200m radius (article 27 of the Mobility Orientation Act).
Proportion of low-emission vehicles in fleet renewals
Pursuant to II of article D. 224-15-13 of the aforementioned Environment Code, data relating to vehicle fleet renewals and the proportion of low and very low emission vehicles in these renewals are defined and made available in accordance with the rules defined in the reference system appended to the order of December 29, 2020.
Public toilets in the RATP network
This dataset is a reproduction of data published on the RATP Open Data. This data will only be available on the Île-de-France Mobilités Open Data and on the PRIM platform from September.
Public transport routes in Île-de-France (source GTFS)
List and routes of public transit lines from the GTFS.
Real-time availability data - Bicycles and terminals - Vélib
The API provides real-time data on the number of mechanical and electric bicycles available at each station, as well as the number of free terminals at Vélib' Métropole stations.
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Recommended data for the "Tous Acteurs de la Mobilité" Hackathon
List of datasets and APIs recommended for the hackathon on September 29 and 30. The list is obviously not exhaustive, and you can suggest the addition of other data sources via the PRIM community Slack.
Reference system for stops: Transfer zones
This dataset provides the connection zones of the Île-de-France stop repository. It represents multimodal zones where pedestrian connections between stops are implicit (reasonable pedestrian travel time).
Referential and theoretical offer in Netex format
This dataset consists of two XML files and a ZIP folder.
Regional network maps
This dataset, created in April 2020, presents the range of Île-de-France transport network maps for passenger information. These maps present the region's main services (Train-RER, Métro, Tramway, Express bus lines, Mobilien bus lines, Tzen bus lines), the night network and certain associated services (map of Parcs Relais Labellisés). Some maps are designed for display at stops or on board rolling stock, while others are printed as leaflets.
Regular commercial bus routes in Ile-de-France
Geographic layer describing the routes of regular commercial bus lines in Île-de-France, authorized to operate by Île-de-France Mobilités.
Repository of point-of-sale types
This dataset lists the types of ticket sales outlets and after-sales service outlets in the Ile-de-France region.
Scheduled public transport timetables for the Ile-de-France region (GTFS JOP Paris 2024 Datahub)
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Scheduled public transport timetables in the Paris region (GTFS Datahub)
A set of files describing the transport offer (timetables, routes, lines, stops, connections between stops) planned for the next 30 days, for all public transport lines in Ile-de-France (OPTILE RATP and SNCF). These files are updated 3 times a day. Specifically, at 8am, 1pm and 5pm.
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Schematic layout of the Ile-de-France rail network (large format)
Schematic layer describing the layout of train, RER, metro, streetcar, val and funicular lines open to passengers in the Paris region (large format).
Schematic layout of the Ile-de-France rail network (small format)
Schematic layer describing the layout of train, RER and Val lines (but not metro, streetcar and funicular lines) open to passengers in the Paris region (small format).
Scheme directeur d'accessibilité programmée (programmed accessibility master plan): Bus lines registered
This dataset lists all the bus routes registered in the SDAP. It is compatible with the "Référentiel des lignes de transport en commun d'île-de-France" dataset, and uses its identifiers.
Scope of real-time data available on the Île-de-France Mobilités exchange platform
List of stops and lines integrated into the île-de-France Mobilités Real Time data exchange platform (for Open Data distribution).
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Sector plan rights-of-way
This dataset shows the geographic extent of sectors from the Sector Plans dataset.
Sector plans
This dataset, created in June 2019, presents maps of the Île-de-France network by sector.
Self-service bike stations (VélO2 and Cristolib) - Real-time availability
Vélib information is no longer available following the change of operator (Smoove). We are working with the Vélib' Métropole public-private partnership to bring this service back to you. In the meantime, to check Vélib availability, click here.
Service quality indicators (SNCF and RATP)
This dataset is the quarterly result of passenger journey service quality indicators for RATP (Train, Métro, Tramway and Bus: Paris, Bus en site propre, Petite Couronne, Noctilien) and SNCF (Train, Tram-Train and Noctilien) contracts.
Station accessibility
The Accessibility Dataset contains all stations in the Ile de France region. It describes the level of accessibility of stations/stop areas.
Stop index: Access relations
This dataset links Accesses to one or more Stop Zones within the Île-de-France stop repository. Accesses are described in the Accesses dataset. The same Accesses are also present in the GTFS dataset (objects prefixed IDFM:StopPlaceEntrance: in the stops.txt file).
Stop reference : Access
This dataset provides accesses to the Île-de-France stop repository. These represent the obligatory points of passage through which a passenger must pass to be able to access the Stops of one or more Stop Zones (entry) or to leave this/these zone(s) (exit). The connection of Accesses to one or more Stop Areas is described in the Access Relationships set. These same accesses are also present in the GTFS dataset (objects prefixed IDFM:StopPlaceEntrance: in the stops.txt file).
Stop reference system: Interchanges
This dataset contains all the interchanges in the Île-de-France stop repository. This represents locations with national or international visibility (airports, stations, etc.).
Stop reference system: Stop zones
This dataset features stop zones from the Île-de-France stop repository. This represents single-mode zones based above all on commercial (and geographic) consistency: known to the public under the same commercial name.
Stop repository: Conveyor stops
This dataset features the carrier stops in the Île-de-France stop repository. A carrier stop is a "field" object and can take many forms, depending on use or scale (a zebra on the road, a bus station, a bus shelter, etc.).
Stop repository: GIS files
This dataset contains all the objects in the Île-de-France stop repository, as well as a map showing the object tree structure.
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Stops and associated lines
This dataset lists all the lines in the Ile-de-France network and the stops served for each of these lines, as in GTFS.
Traffic at the La Défense hub (peak-hour smoothing experiment)
These data come from 14 counting sensors placed at the access points to the La Défense (Grande Arche) and Esplanade de La Défense stations.
Trafic messages - Global query
The API Trafic messages - Global query returns all current and future disruption information, as well as a list of affected lines and stops.
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Upcoming passages (Île-de-France Mobilités platform) - global query
Upcoming passages in real time for all network stops currently available in a single exchange.
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Upcoming passages (Île-de-France Mobilités platform) - Unitary query
Estimated next stop times. At present, the estimated times of next stops are only available for part of the Ile-de-France network. All stops on the network will gradually be made available.
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Validations on the rail network: Number of validations per day (1st half 2023)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
Validations on the rail network: Time profiles by typical day (1st half 2023)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
Validations on the surface network: Hourly profiles by typical day (1st half 2023)
This dataset shows the hourly profile of validations per day and per line on the surface network.
Validations on the surface network: Number of validations per day (1st quarter 2023)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
Validations on the surface network: Number of validations per day (2nd quarter 2023)
Validation data is updated at the end of February and August.
White label Itinerary search
The Île-de-France Mobilités Itinerary search White label lets you provide your users with a multimodal route planner for their journeys.
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